The Pull: A Look at the Comics Dropping the Week of August 9th
It’s a light week, but what we’re getting are some doozies. Let’s look at the week’s releases from my viewpoint, led by a lowkey killer from 2023 in comics.

Comic of the Week: Kaya #10
Wes Craig’s Kaya has quietly become one of the, if not the, best and most consistent titles in Image’s stable of books. We knew it’d look good. What we didn’t know was how potent and effective the story and characters would be. Each aspect is completely in sync in this book, as Craig’s handling all roles and clearly has a plan for this title. My only hope is he gets the runway to get through it all, because it’s clear it isn’t a short-winded one. I highly recommend checking out Kaya if only to continue my dream, but also because the story is exceptional and the craft is about as good as you’ll find in comics today. Kaya’s one of the best ongoings today, and it feels like it’s just getting started.
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