The Pull: A Look at the Comics Dropping the Week of February 12th
After a slow few weeks, things start cooking once again. Let’s dig into the week of releases in another edition of The Pull.

Comic of the Week: One World Under Doom #1
While I am a sucker for event comics, at least in theory, the first issue of 2025’s big Marvel crossover One World Under Doom gets this spot strictly because it’s creative team. Ryan North is, in my opinion, Marvel’s most consistently great writer right now, R.B. Silva’s a terribly underrated artist, and that duo together should be able to do great things. I love the idea of this story, I am excited to see how that creative team will work together, and if that’s not all, we’re going to get some characters from The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl here. I am excited.

Trade/Graphic Novel of the Week: Kill or Be Killed Compendium
Besides Sleeper, which is slept on for reasons beyond its greatness, Kill or Be Killed may be the most underrated Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips book. That became clear to me a few years back when I was rereading all their work and I realized just how much this series works when it’s collected in full. Kill or Be Killed rules. It’s an exceptional story of a haunted young man, the demons you carry with you, and vigilante justice at its most extreme. Plus, it’s Brubaker and Phillips doing what they do. If you’ve never read this series before, now’s a great time to get onboard.
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