The Pull: A Look at the Comics Dropping the Week of January 8th

We’re back to the regularly scheduled broadcast, and this week’s edition of The Pull — a look at my buys, recommendations, and curiosities from the week of comics — is a particularly dense one. So, let’s get to it, shall we?

Comic of the Week: The Lucky Devils #1

With Ryan Browne and Charles Soule coming up on the podcast, I’ve read the first issue of this series already. It’s a good one, one with a core concept that appeals as easily as their previous title Eight Billion Genies — The Lucky Devils is about a pair of genuinely good people who find themselves faced with the literal devils on their shoulders, with the latter endeavoring to directly tempt the former to improve the quality of everyone’s life — that isn’t delivered quite as potently in the first issue as 8BG did. That said, you can see what they’re building here, and it’s near certain to be something that blends comedy and emotions as well as Soule and Browne’s previous collaborations with the added flavor of much more direct statements about where humanity is today. I’m in on it, and expect it to be a strong contender for my end of the year lists.

Trade/Graphic Novel of the Week: Falling in the Love on the Path to Hell Vol. 1

The Gerry/Garry team of Duggan and Brown is a great one, and while I’ve heard good things about this series that’s about a star-crossed duo of a samurai and gunslinger trapped in purgatory, I still haven’t read it despite the fact I’ve had its first two issues since I picked them up from Duggan at San Diego Comic Con this past year. Now, though, I simply have to jump onboard. That’s because if this comic is good enough to inspire my pal Brandon Burpee to write a letter in to the team about how much he loves it, then I have to check it out.

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