It’s Time Once Again: Let’s Do an August Mailbag Q&A!

Well, I’m back, fresh off my first ever San Diego Comic Con, or as fresh as one can be after a marathon that’s also a sprint while being a five day wrestling match through swarming crowds as well. At the very least, I’m living, and with it being a new month, that can only mean one thing: It’s time for another Mailbag Q&A!

For those that are new here — and on SKTCHD, there’s a whole lot of you of late, so hello! — the SKTCHD/Off Panel Mailbag Q&A’s are pretty much what they sound like. It’s a column where you, the site’s subscribers or the podcast’s patrons, can ask me any questions you might have…and I’ll answer them! You might be wondering what you can ask me about, though, and the good news is the answer is “Anything!” Most questions tend to be about comics or the industry, as you might expect. There are a lot about what I do on the site and podcast, and those are great too. But I’m open to all topics, whether it’s basketball (another frequent subject), other sports, movies, TV, video games, or whatever. I greatly appreciate a hypothetical, I’m fond of outside the box queries, and if you want to dig into something timely like my recent trip to California or SDCC, I’m game.

As per usual, the only caveat is that if the question is too big for me to answer in this format, I might graduate it to a full on article. I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again!

Anyways, whatever you want to ask me about, go on ahead. Just get me your questions and I’ll work them into the mix. There are a number of ways to do that, whether it’s commenting on this post, emailing me at, hitting me up on your preferred social media platform, or whatever. As long as you do that by Friday, August 23rd, I’ll work it in to the column. So, make sure to get me your questions by then! Let’s have some fun, folks!