Comics Disassembled: Ten Things of Note from the Past Week in Comics, Led by Men on Fire
This week in Comics Disassembled, everything is on fire, but in a good way for once. Let’s get to it.

1. Samnee + Kirkman, On Fire
This week brought both the Free Comic Book Day related first issue of Fire Power, the new Robert Kirkman, Chris Samnee, Matt Wilson and Rus Wooton series from Image/Skybound, but also the first trade paperback of the series, a prelude story for the bargain basement price of $9.99. You could just read the free comic and be fine, but let me tell you: the prelude trade paperback is absolutely fantastic.
In fact, here’s where I get into some near hyperbole level comments. Ready?
It’s the best thing Robert Kirkman has ever written.
It’s the best thing Chris Samnee has ever drawn.
It’s the best thing Matt Wilson has ever colored.
Everything about it is entertaining, confidently told, well-conceived, thoughtful, and altogether brilliant. It’s an absolutely exceptional comic, with writing and art from some of the best at their best ever levels. I loved it, top to bottom, at a level I didn’t expect, even though I love each of the creators and had high expectations because of it. I may have originally sassed it for its near Iron Fist like idea, but as close as it was in theory, in actuality, it’s very much its own thing. I couldn’t recommend it more. Everyone is so very on point it’s a must read. Get on it, folks.
2. Aliens and Predator, Going Disney
Marvel’s licensed property game has grown even stronger, as the House of Ideas acquired the inseparable pair of both Aliens and Predator for future projects. This move is an easy one to make fun of, as there are all kinds of Marvel related jokes that can be made: Xenomorphs and X-Men teaming up for an X-Themed crossover; a Predator becoming an Avenger of some variety; Aliens vs. Predator vs. Name Your Marvel character/team. But as someone who, inexplicably at this point, still loves Aliens AND Predator, I’m all for it.
There are some great comics from both, and Marvel has done very well with properties from a creative point the past few years, namely Star Wars. I think good comics could come from this, and honestly, it’s not like you could do much worse than some of the other stories involving these properties. There’s a lot of potential here for good, fun comics.
It’s another Big L for Dark Horse, who has struggled with a bevy of lost properties over the past five years, from Star Wars and these two to Buffy and Conan. Normally I’d be more empathetic about this kind of thing, but with the recent stories of behavior at Dark Horse, all I have to say is this: karma typically gets you eventually.
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