I’m Headed to New York Comic Con. Let’s Do an October Mailbag Anyways!

It’s Thursday, which means I’m headed to New York City tomorrow for a little getaway with my wife before New York Comic Con. Sometimes you have to escape, especially when it takes 13 hours to get to the convention you’re going to, so you might as well make it worth it.

That doesn’t mean the show won’t still go on with the site and podcast. There’s plenty coming on the horizon. In fact, it’s a new month, so you know what that means: It’s time for another Mailbag Q&A!

For those that don’t know, I host a question and answer session with SKTCHD subscribers and Off Panel patrons every month or two where you all get the chance to ask me whatever questions you might have about whatever subject. Want to ask me about comics or the industry? Podcasting or writing? The New York Comic Con experience, or conventions in general? Favorite horror movies, Halloween candies, or Halloween costumes? The upcoming NBA season? It’s all on the table, whether it’s real or hypothetical, dead serious or seriously ridiculous. I’m game for it all.

Taking part is simple. You can even drop the question in the comments, email me at david at SKTCHD dot com, or hit me up on one of the seven million social media platforms that currently exist — preferably one of the former two, because social media is a hot mess. My only request is to make it something that would be reasonable to answer in a fairly digestible way. If your question is more like a longform feature topic, I might migrate it to a full out article. I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again, I am sure!

The most important thing, though, is let’s have some fun. I love doing these Mailbag Q&As, and it’s always a blast seeing what you come up with and figure out what my answers might be. My goal is to run this later this month, so try and get me your questions by no later than October 19th. You send them over, and I’ll answer them all in a column the following week!