Now accepting questions for the July 2024 Mailbag Q&A!

My plan for this month’s Mailbag was to do something live, whether it was a chat or something else. Unfortunately, with it being a crazy month between the mid-week holiday and my unexpected trip to California coming up, that’ll have to happen later rather than sooner.

But hey, that means it’s time for the old fashioned version, the original flavor that I know well and love. That’s right, it’s time for another Mailbag Q&A for SKTCHD subscribers and Off Panel patrons, where you — one of the site’s aforementioned subscribers or one of the podcast’s aforementioned patrons (or both!) — gets the chance to ask me whatever questions you may have for me to answer in the form of a super-sized column that’ll hit later this month.

You may be wondering, “What kind of questions can I ask?” The short answer to that is, “Whatever you want.” The longer version is still anything, but it can be about comics, the industry, podcasting, or writing, SKTCHD or Off Panel, my expectations for the Eisner Awards or San Diego Comic Con, specific Olympics hopes, thoughts on the U.S. Men’s National Team’s disappointing performance in Copa America, where The Quiet Place ranks as a franchise for me (spoiler alert: higher than you’d imagine), or anything else really. Whether your question is based in reality or the hypothetical, comic-related or not, or whatever, it’s fair game. The only restrictions I have are if it’s too long to answer in the Mailbag, I may graduate it to a full on column for the site, and if it’s inappropriate in some way it may be a skip (although we shall see about that).

This one has a slightly tighter turnaround, as my goal is to answer questions on my flight from Anchorage to Los Angeles on July 19th, so if you can get me your questions before then, that would be ideal. And the way you do that is simple. You either add them to the comments of this post or email me at Whichever way prefer is fine by me, as long as you get them to me by July 18th. The ultimate goal is to have some fun in this recurring column, so let’s do just that, shall we?