The Comic Community Shares What Comics They’re Excited for in 2016
To close out this week of creators talking what they loved in 2015 and what they’re excited for in 2016, we’re going to return our gaze to the comics themselves. The final question the creators I spoke to was all about the work, and more specifically, the work they’re excited for. They were asked:
2016’s already pretty loaded up with great looking comics on the horizon. What comics have you the most excited for the new year?
So what has them excited? Let’s find out below, and look for our end of the year coverage to continue next week with SKTCHD’s own picks for the best and brightest of 2015.

Cliff Chiang (artist of Paper Girls)
Ta-Nehisi Coates and Brian Stelfreeze on Black Panther, and some unannounced creator owned projects from friends. It’s going to be a good year!
Charlie Chu (editor of Kaijumax, The Sixth Gun and more)
Kaijumax. Yeah, I’m biased because I edit it, but that book is pure fucking joy and season 2 is bigger better faster more. If Kaijumax Season One was HBO’s Oz meets Godzilla, Season Two is Law & Order: Special Kaiju Unit.
I’m also equal parts happy and sad seeing The Sixth Gun come to its conclusion. I’m excited that the story is ending as planned and that Cullen and Brian and Bill will be closing the book on their 50 issue epic, but I’m also sad we won’t have more time to hang out with Drake, Becky and the rest of those characters.
Sam Humphries & Tommy Patterson’s Citizen Jack debuted in November, but it was kind of a mindblowing start to what I’m expecting to be an amazing series to read in parallel to the 2016 Presidential campaign.
Leila del Duca (artist of Shutter)
Monstress, Saga, Paper Girls and Island, all from Image Comics.
Sebastian Girner (editor on Deadly Class, The Goddamned and more)
Are Garth Ennis and Goran Parlov still doing Punisher: The Platoon? If so then that’ll be my most-excited-for-comic in whatever year it comes out.

Greg Hinkle (artist of Airboy)
Those Moebius Library editions from Dark Horse come to mind. I don’t know when they’re scheduled to come out, but hopefully its next year. I’m always excited for more stories from Mike Mignola, so I’m on board for whatever he’s got cooking. Oh yeah, he’s got Paolo Rivera on new Hellboy! Yep, excited about that. I’m really liking the Dark Circle books and looking forward to where they go. 2016 is going to be a fun one, I think.
Joe Keatinge (writer of Shutter and Ringside)
I’m hoping there’s a lot of stuff unannounced, as I’d like 2016 to be the year somebody gets on it and finally publishes Little Thunder’s work stateside. I’d also like to see Viz editions of Naoki Urasawa’s Billy Bat. Like I said before, in the end I’m always most excited about what’s new and different.
Tom Muller (designer on Drifter, Zero and more)
I am really excited about two new books I’m working on – one of them being the recently announced SNOWFALL from Joe Harris and Martin Morazzo – to be launched in 2016; as well as the next chapter of WOLF with artist Ricardo Lopez Ortiz.
Looking forward to seeing Si Spurrier and Ryan Kelly’s CRY HAVOC being unleashed, and the continuation of all the awesome books that launched this year.

Declan Shalvey (artist of Injection)
The Violent is a series I’m VERY excited about. Ed Brisson and Adam Gorham is doing some really nice work on the book. It’s great to have a new crime series on the horizon. Same with Snowblind, by Ollie Masters and Tyler Jenkins. Chris Samnee and Mark Waid’s Black Widow is coming out next year and I could NOT be more excited, from the peeks I’ve seen it looks absolutely amazing. I’ve also seen the first issue of Jeff Lemire and Greg Smallwood’s new Moon Knight series and it’s fantastic.
Joshua Williamson (writer of Nailbiter, Birthright and more)
This is always a tough question because I’m not really sure what’s coming in 2016. It’s always interesting to me how people try to predict the future of comics and it can be all over the place. A lot of amazing stuff is still secret and in the planning stages, y’know? BUT…
The return of Wytches. Becky Cloonan’s Punisher.
Can I say the Preacher TV show?
Come back next week for SKTCHD’s own coverage on 2015 in comics. It’s going to run two weeks and it should be glorious.