The Pull: A Look at the Comics Dropping the Week of December 11th
Marvel’s biggest collection of the year is certainly of note, but my curiosity is drawn to a related comic that has two notable collaborators taken away. Interest in where things are going leads over looking back on this edition of The Pull, my look at my buys, recommendations and curiosities from the week of comics.

Book of the Week: New Mutants #3
This is going to be a very interesting one.
To date, New Mutants has been my favorite Dawn of X release. It has been an absolute gem. But in previous issues, it had been Ed Brisson co-writing with Jonathan Hickman, while the ascendant Rod Reis was on art. Issue #3 finds Brisson going solo alongside Flaviano on art, as we head back to Krakoa and check in on what the other young mutants are doing as the titular New Mutants squad messes around in space.
The biggest question looming over this title is, “What is it without the headliners?” Does Brisson and whomever he’s working with on the regular on art have what it takes to match not just the quality but the tone of the first couple issues? They each were absurdist, enjoyable reads, with gorgeous art and exemplary character moments. Will that carry on here? I’m uncertain, but I trust in Brisson, even if my mind cannot recall a single bit of art by Flaviano even though I’m certain I’ve read a comic from him before. We’ll see this week. Fingers crossed, because I genuinely love this book and want to see it maintain its high heights.

“You’re coming with me”: The for sure buys and recommendations of the week
Dollhouse Family #2: For end of the year reasons, I have yet to even read the first issue of this. But I bought it! And it’s Mike Carey and Peter Gross, so I am onboard no matter what! Not exactly the most scintillating reasoning for buying a comic, but hey, I love some Carey and Gross!
Fallen Angels #3: I’ve been giving the Dawn of X comics three issues to prove themselves, as we should have a good understanding of where these titles are by then. This is the hardest title to go even that far, but I will say, I chose to give Excalibur a third issue and that worked out for Pete Wisdom reasons. So I have hope here, even if this title has given me little reason for that. So dark! I thought we were in a Utopia, everybody!
Far Sector #2: I loved the Jamal Campbell art but I’m not fully sold on this title yet. It has a ton of potential, and N.K. Jemisin clearly has something big going here. I’m excited to see her cook, because she’s clearly a woman with a plan, and as you likely know, I love me a plan.
Five Years Vol. 1 Fire in the Sky: I don’t know what this comic is about. I just know it’s a Terry Moore comic that marries all of his characters into one title. That is enough.
House Of X/Powers Of X HC: This comic is for you if you like comics or the X-Men or good things or data pages or interesting stories. If you fit into those admittedly very large, very obvious groups, you probably have already read these comics. But hey! New format!
Immortal Hulk #28: As if Al Ewing needs more compliments, I have to say Roxxon is a PERFECT foil for this act of Immortal Hulk. It was an inspired choice by the scribe. Also inspired choices: Tom Reilly and Matias Bergas providing art for a Teen Brigade-centric issue. Let’s gooooo!
Trees Three Fates #4: I am an issue back on this book, and it’s mostly because it keeps dropping down by read pile as new comics come out due to lack of interest in the story. I want to like this so much – I loved the first volume of Trees – but we haven’t gotten there yet. We shall see.
Valkyrie Jane Foster #6: Pere Perez drawing a Marvel doctors collabo issue? Oh yes. Very nice.
X-Force #3: I’m very split on this book. It feels like a good pre-House of X/Powers of X X-Men comic. Yet it also still feels off brand for the current state of the line. I have a hard time overcoming the decision to kill Professor X in the first issue as it’s so counter-intuitive to the core message of the book. It’s a weird one. I like it, but it just doesn’t feel like it fits. I’m onboard still for now.
Would buy, but I’m a dirty, rotten trade waiter
- Gideon Falls #19
- Steeple #4

Game Time Decisions: The Ones that Might Come Home
Deadly Class #42: We’ve gotten there, people. I’ve almost fully turned on this comic, despite still loving me some Wes Craig and Jordan Boyd art. This is such a miserable read at times with no real endgame in sight that I don’t know if I can keep going, at least in single issues. The weird thing is I stuck onboard with The Walking Dead throughout the whole run, yet this one is giving me heartburn. Strange, right? Yet, in some ways, The Walking Dead was either cheerful relative to this, or at least deservedly dark. I’d love to have some sort of idea of where we’re going or what we’re doing, because right now it feels like an ongoing for no real story reason.
Leaning towards giving it one more issue, but we shall see.
Oblivion Song #22: This is the fourth issue I’m back on this title, and by my rules, that’s an immediate drop. I think it’s time to go for Oblivion Song, as like with Deadly Class, I don’t feel like there’s a clear push in a direction beyond “things keep happening.” I’ll try to catch up before visiting the shop, but it might be time for this one.
Undiscovered Country #2: The first issue of this series was probably my least favorite read of the year. It’s not because it was so bad. I just read a pretty curated list of titles that speak to me. But it read like something that was pitched as a movie or TV series that was then reverse engineered into a comic. It’s all tell – SO MUCH TELLING – but very little showing. And shockingly not fun for such an absurd idea. I feel bad jumping out after one issue, but that might be happening here.