The Pull: A Look at the Comics Dropping the Week of December 18th
Christmas falls on a Wednesday this week, and to avoid troubles related to that, comic publishers have decided to release everything this week. And when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING. (For those that have seen Leon the Professional, please imagine I screamed that like Gary Oldman in that movie). This week is stupid, and I am actually somewhat mad at it, as it’s making me consider dropping some comics I wouldn’t drop otherwise. Consider your actions, comics publishers!
Let’s look at my buys, recommendations and curiosities from the week of comics, led by my recommendation to not pummel readers with releases, but also a notable release from a personal favorite.

Book of the Week: Wonder Woman: Dead Earth #1
Daniel Warren Johnson is a favorite, so I’d clearly be onboard with this regardless, but I’ve read the first issue of this and it’s dynamite. I’m not a huge Wonder Woman fan – I like the character, I just sort of feel as if she’s lacking in iconic runs – but what he does here is both very DWJ but also a boiled down, pure take on the character very much in a Dark Knight Returns vein. Please note: I am not saying this is Dark Knight Returns quality! But Wonder Woman: Dead Earth #1 does recall what Frank Miller and friends did there.
Of course, it also features the ungodly art talents of Johnson and an understated but potent take on a future Wonder Woman story, which makes any kind of story that much easier to handle. There have been plenty of DKR impersonators, but few have the chops to go that direction and live up to it. This does it, and I can’t wait to read the rest because this puppy is a doozy. Also! Oversized DWJ art! That’s going to be amazing!
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