The Pull: A Look at the Comics Dropping the Week of February 19th
Hooo baby, we have a big week this time. This edition of The Pull — which looks at my buys, recommendations, and curiosities from the week of comics — is a beast, but it’s also one that could only start in one place.

Comic of the Week: Aliens vs. Avengers #3
If I’m being real with myself — absolutely true and authentic — nothing else could have taken this spot. I love Aliens vs. Avengers. I’m an enormous fan of the Alien franchise, Jonathan Hickman, and Esad Ribic. This is tailor-made for me, especially considering it isn’t a cheap tie-in but something that almost reads like the final story to everything Hickman has done at Marvel, in some ways. It was one of my Comics of 2024 for a reason. Sure, it takes a while to come out, but when it’s this good, I just do not even care. I cannot wait to read this.

Trade/Graphic Novel of the Week: Beasts of Burden Omnibus
There were other serious contenders for this spot, but I had to highlight the release that I think the most people would love if you haven’t read it before (or even if you have). Beasts of Burden is Evan Dorkin, Jill Thompson, and friends’ excellent series about a pack of dogs (and at least one cat) who are also occult investigators. It is an incredible series, one that does not receive the support it deserves, in my opinion. This is one of those comics anyone could read and love. It’s a blast, it’s smart as hell, and it’s a beautiful comic. It’s the best time you could get in comics this week, and for $29.99, you won’t find a better value. This omnibus earns the highest of my recommendations, especially considering the fact that I believe it’s actually a softcover rather than a hardcover, ensuring it’s a bit easier to read than a typical omnibi.
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