The Pull: A Look at the Comics Dropping the Week of May 11th
An eclectic week is led by a comic I’m all in on, especially considering I’ve already read a decent chunk of it and know its glory. Let’s look at that and more in The Pull, an exploration of my buys, recommendations, and curiosities from the week of comics.

Book of the Week: Eight Billion Genies #1
I don’t want to overhype anything, but this comic absolutely rules. Charles Soule and Ryan Browne are in the process of being their very best selves with this series – which I have read three issues of – as it’s funny and likely to be tragic in all the ways they excel at. It’s inventive as hell, frequently incisive, completely insane, and the best possible version of a story about everyone on Earth getting their own genie and the opportunity to make one wish. I’d love to tell you humanity is responsible with their decision making. I cannot.
But I can tell you that this is a truly great comic. I’ve even heard from others in comics how much they wish it was theirs, just because it’s so great! Eight Billion Genies is the envy of the comic industry. Read it, and bask in the glow of humanity’s rapidly advancing nature as a hot mess.
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