The Pull: A Look at the Comics Dropping the Week of May 15th
Welcome to the first edition of The Pull on SKTCHD. This is a weekly column I’ve been running for a bit on my Patreon, and it’s what you might expect from a column named this.
Each week I share my weekly buys, recommendations and the titles I’m curious about, alongside my thoughts on each of them. It’s all led off by my Book of the Week, which could be the top pick because it’s the biggest title on the list or it’s just one I’m personally excited for. And, as an added wrinkle, the column will now close with a list of every comic being released in a given week, cleaned up to focus just on the titles themselves, not the infinity variants that may come alongside them.
Look for this to drop each Wednesday, and let me know what you’re excited for in the comments. I’m always interested in what comics I might be missing out on.
Book of the Week: Kaijumax Season 4 #6
Arguably the greatest – or at least the most emotionally wrenching – season of Zander Cannon’s magnum opus Kaijumax so far is coming to an end this week, and for long time readers and listeners, the appearance of this title as my Book of the Week should be no surprise. I pinned it as one of my ten favorite series from the past decade in comics, as this “Godzilla meets Oz” series is a remarkably affecting, poignant and occasionally hilarious title, and one that I believe almost any adult comic reader can get something out of.
This sixth issue of the fourth season will likely result in tragedy in unexpected ways, but that’s what comes with the territory in Kaijumax. Few titles can truly say they routinely deliver the unexpected, but Cannon actually does it, as this arc alone has given us some of the most surprising (and earned) turns in recent comic book memory. It’s a heck of an achievement, and while I don’t know what Cannon’s going to bring with this issue, I know its floor is “great comic” and its ceiling is “one of the best comics of the year.” That’s a pitch perfect Book of the Week pick.

“You’re coming with me”: The for sure buys and recommendations of the week
Amazing Spider-Man #21: While the current arc – “The Hunted” – hasn’t been as momentous as maybe the team hoped for given the potency of previous Kraven-focused arcs, Nick Spencer, Humberto Ramos and the rest continue to deliver rock solid Spider-Man action within Amazing.
American Carnage #7: In a lot of ways, the Vertigo relaunch has felt like a bust, but American Carnage has prevented that from being entirely the case, as Bryan Edward Hill and Leandro Fernandez have crafted a series that fuses a whole lot of what we loved about Vertigo giants like 100 Bullets and Scalped into one heck of a comic.
Bitter Root Vol. 1: I really dug the first issue of this series from Chuck Brown, David Walker and the great Sanford Greene, but it ended up being a trade waiter for me. Looking forward to seeing what I’ve been missing on this title, as I’ve heard great things.
Daredevil #5: From Julian Totino Tedesco’s covers to Chip Zdarsky’s writing and the masterful interiors by Marco Checchetto and Sunny Gho, this has been another Daredevil classic in the making from the start. This marks the end of the first arc. I’m sure things will go well for our boy Matty.
Farmhand #8: Rob Guillory’s follow-up to Chew has been everything I hoped for and…well, more is the wrong word. Different might be it, because Farmhand is a wild book. Things are getting dark here as we head towards the end of the second arc.
Guardians of the Galaxy #5: I’m a Guardians mark – obviously – and the team of Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw have been doing solid work, but I’m hoping to start seeing some payoff from the first story soon.
Immortal Hulk #17: Everyone’s favorite Marvel title sees a Banner heavy issue come its way, and with what Al Ewing and Joe Bennett have accomplished so far, it could actually be rapper David Banner starring in this issue and my expectation would be, “Sounds weird but I bet they make it work.”
MCMLXXV TPB: I’m here for Ian McEwan’s art and Joe Casey’s wild ideas. Plus, even it’s just three issues collected, that $9.99 price point is solid.
Mister Miracle HC: I have this series in single issues already, but if you’re looking for that high quality hardcover action, Mister Miracle now delivers.
Naomi #5: This comic is spectacular, but now it’s having to deal with the pressure of your classic “This is the one you’ve been waiting for!” solicit text. No pressure, Brian Michael Bendis, David Walker and Jamal Campbell! I bet this one nails it, though.
Oblivion Song #15: The momentum of this book is all over the place. Some issues I’m like, “Yeah, I can’t wait to see where this is going!” Others I’m on the verge of dropping it, but that Lorenzo de Felici art calls to me. I’m now on a wave of the former, as some of the recent turns intrigue.
Outer Darkness Vol. 1: I missed the first issue of this John Layman and Afu Chan joint when it originally dropped, so I’ll now be seeing what a Star Trek by Layman and Chan title looks like for real. I hear good things, and I’m a fan of the writer/artist team.
Spider-Man Life Story #3: I remember talking to Chip Zdarsky on Off Panel about how comic characters lives are pretty universally terrible (this was in reference to Matt Murdock, in particular). Apparently we found a way for it to get worse, because my god, Peter Parker’s life is a living hell in this series about, effectively, “What if Peter Parker was allowed to age in real time from the time he was introduced?” It’s a heck of a book by Zdarsky and Mark Bagley, but dang, it is dark.
Superman #11: Bendis’ DC work continues to impress, even if this one doesn’t measure up to Action Comics.
Uncanny X-Men #18: I’m a couple issues back on this series right now, but I’ve been really enjoying Matt Rosenberg and Salvador Larocca’s take on the X-Men’s Island of Misfit Toys roster.
War of the Realms #4: Does it seem crazy that this event is already two thirds the way through it? It does to me. I’m here for the Russell Dauterman and Matt Wilson art, primarily, and because I’ve loved Jason Aaron’s Thor run. I’m enjoying the event, but it certainly feels like a lower case e “event” rather than an all upper case “EVENT” for Marvel.

Would buy, but I’m a dirty, rotten trade waiter
- Gideon Falls #13
- Little Bird #3: This is a new addition to the list, as I’ve heard too many good things about it to not jump onboard.
- Skyward #13

Game Time Decisions: The Ones that Might Come Home
- Friendo Vol. 1: This is purely a recommendation play, as I’ve heard from a lot of people that it’s both good and up my alley. Alex Paknadel and Martin Simmonds telling what sounds like Her meets Donnie Darko except ultraviolent sounds intriguing, and the design of Vault trades continue to impress.
The Rest of the Week’s Releases
- Princeless, Volume 8: Princesses #2
- Seafoam A Friend For Madison #1
- Orphan Age #2
- Archie Giant Comics Gala GN
- Betty And Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest #273
- Adventure Time Marcy And Simon #5 (Of 6)
- Black Badge #10
- Firefly #6
- Jim Henson’s Labyrinth Coronation Volume 2 HC
- Lumberjanes #62
- Planet Of The Apes Before The Fall Omnibus TP
- Ruinworld Eye For An Eye TP
- Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers #20
- Aberrant Season 2 #2 (Of 5)
- Aberrant Volume 1 TP
- Guncats Volume 1 TP
- Vampblade Volume 8 Queen Of Hell TP
- Zombie Tramp #59
- Avatar The Last Airbender Imbalance Part Two TP
- Calamity Kate #3
- Disney Hamlet Starring Donald Duck TP
- Disney PIXAR The Incredibles 2 Secret Identities #2 (Of 3)
- Gantz Omnibus Volume 3 TP
- Joe Golem Occult Detective The Conjurors #1
- Last Stop On The Red Line #1
- Neil Gaiman’s American Gods The Moment Of The Storm #2
- Usagi Yojimbo Saga Volume 8 HC
- Usagi Yojimbo Saga Volume 8 TP
- Whispering Dark TP
- American Carnage #7
- Aquaman #48
- Batgirl Volume 5 Art Of The Crime TP
- Batman #71
- Batman The White Knight HC
- Frank Miller’s Ronin TP (Black Label Edition)
- High Level #4
- Justice League #24
- Justice League Odyssey Volume 1 The Ghost Sector TP
- Lucifer #8
- Mister Miracle HC
- Naomi #5
- Nightwing #60
- Pearl #9
- Suicide Squad Volume 8 The Final Mission TP
- Superman #11
- Superman The Rebirth Deluxe Edition Volume 4 HC
- Swamp Thing Protector Of The Green TP (DC Essential Edition)
- Teen Titans #30
- Teen Titans By Geoff Johns Volume 3 TP
- Teen Titans Go #34
- Wonder Woman By Azzarello And Chiang Omnibus HC
- Battlestar Galactica Classic #4
- Bettie Page #5
- James Bond 007 #7
- Jeepers Creepers Volume 1 The Trail Of The Beast TP
- KISS The End #2
- Xena Warrior Princess #2
- Amazing Spider-Man The Ultimate Newspaper Comics Collection Volume 5 1985-1986 HC
- Batman The Maxx Arkham Dreams #4 (Of 5)
- Bernie Wrightson Artifact Edition HC (New Printing)
- G.I. Joe A Real American Hero Volume 22 TP
- Marvel Action Spider-Man #4
- Star Trek The Q Conflict #4 (Of 6)
- Superman The Golden Age Newspaper Dailies 1947-1949 HC
- Tangled The Series Hair And Now #2
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Color Classics Volume 2 TP
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder In Hell #3
- Transformers #5
- V-Wars The Graphic Novel Collection TP
- Bitter Root Volume 1 Family Business TP
- Fairlady #2
- Farmhand #8
- Gideon Falls #13
- Kick-Ass #14
- Little Bird #3 (Of 5)
- Low #22
- Oblivion Song By Kirkman And De Felici #15
- Outer Darkness Volume 1 Each Other’s Throats TP
- Outpost Zero Volume 2 Follow It Down TP
- Port Of Earth #10
- Rat Queens Volume 6 The Infernal Path TP
- Savage Dragon #244
- Skyward #13
- Spawn Kills Everyone The Complete Collection Volume 1 TP
- Gender Queer A Memoir GN, $17.99
- Age Of X-Man Nextgen #4 (Of 5)
- Age Of X-Man The Marvelous X-Men #4 (Of 5)
- Amazing Spider-Man #21
- Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection Volume 19 Assassin Nation TP
- Black Widow #5
- Captain Marvel Starforce TP
- Daredevil #5
- Giant-Man #1 (Of 3)
- Guardians Of The Galaxy #5
- Immortal Hulk #17
- Immortal Hulk Volume 3 Hulk In Hell TP
- Ironheart #6
- League Of Legends Ashe Warmother TP
- Marvel Tales Iron Man #1
- Old Man Quill #5 (Of 12)
- Spider-Man Life Story #3 (Of 6)
- Star Wars #66
- Star Wars Age Of Rebellion Lando Calrissian #1
- Star Wars Age Of Republic Heroes TP
- Star Wars Han Solo Imperial Cadet TP
- Star Wars Tie Fighter #2 (Of 5)
- Thor By Jason Aaron And Russell Dauterman Volume 3 HC
- Uncanny X-Men #18
- War Of The Realms #4 (Of 6)
- War Of The Realms Spider-Man And The League Of Realms #1 (Of 3)
- War Of The Realms Strikeforce The War Avengers #1
- Dream Daddy A Dad Dating Comic Book TP
- Kaijumax Season 4 #6 (Of 6)
- Morning In America #3
- Bloodborne #12
- Imperium Deluxe Edition HC
- Life And Death Of Toyo Harada #3 (Of 6)
- Livewire #6
- Failsafe Volume 1 TP
- Friendo Volume 1 TP
- Robyn Hood Outlaw #4 (Of 6)