The Pull: A Look at the Comics Dropping the Week of November 27th
For the day before a major holiday, it’s a little surprising how hard publishers are going with this week, with DC in particular having two (or sort of three, really) major debuts. Let’s look at the pre-Turkey Day selection, with it all led by one of those aforementioned debuts and a new version of an unusual tome from a notable writer.

Comic of the Week: Justice League Unlimited #1
While we’re all clearly here for the Hush 2 Prelude — which still seems oddly placed here, even if it makes sense from a building anticipation standpoint — what I’m really the most interested in is Mark Waid and Dan Mora crafting a big, different Justice League story here. I know I love Waid on the Justice League, I know Mora’s one of the best in the business, and I know I’m interested in the League at their best. This will be me finding out if this is that.

Trade/Graphic Novel of the Week: Timing/Luck SC
I’ve always meant to pick up writer Gerry Duggan’s book of photography, Timing/Luck, and now that there’s a softcover version coming out from Image, it feels like the right time. It looks like an amazing project filled with perspective and gorgeous photography from Duggan, and I’m excited to finally dig in.
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