The Pull: A Look at the Comics Dropping the Week of September 9th
This week finds the smallest week of releases for yours truly since comics were literally not even being released during the shutdown. It’s a very weird week, but maybe it’s just me. Let’s look at what’s coming my way in The Pull, as I share my buys, recommendations and curiosities from the week of comics.

Book of the Week: X-Factor #3
Leah Williams is in my brain.
The first issue of this series set up the premise of the series and the cast perfectly, and what did Williams and David Baldeon do as an encore? THEY TOOK THE TEAM TO THE MOJOVERSE! And even better, it was an amazing version of it, a Krakoa obsessed version of it, and what a delight it was.
This series is extremely enjoyable. In a weird way, it sort of has a HiXMen by way of DnA’s Guardians of the Galaxy type energy going, which, if you know me, is a very high compliment. It just has an over-the-top reality show kind of vibe without losing its mission or the feel of this era for the X-Men. It’s really working, and I hope it just continues to build.

“You’re coming with me”: The for sure buys and recommendations of the week
Marauders #12: Now that all that Kate Pryde is back in business, you know what time it is? Time to Kill Shaw! Let’s gooooooo!
Oblivion Song #27: Shouts to Robert Kirkman and Lorenzo de Felici for endlessly reinventing this series. The 25th issue completely set this book in a new direction, and its continuous focus on never settling has resulted in a very interesting series.
Outer Darkness/Chew TP: This is an extremely fun comic that perfectly marries the cast and world of Outer Darkness with the cast of Chew (as well as those respective titles’ creative teams). Unfortunately, it marks the end of Outer Darkness, an excellent comic that deserved a long life. But hey, if this is your first venture with the series, may I also recommend picking up the two volumes of that series while you are at it? Because it’s very good!