Comics Disassembled: Ten Things of Note from the Past Week in Comics, Led by Parker! Collected! In Full!
It was a big weekend of news from San Diego Comic Con, and in typical me fashion, I’m leading the whole thing off with something that isn’t even news – it appears to have been announced in May – but I’m excited enough about it that I’m writing about it anyways. That’s how it works around here!
Oh, and you may read this and think, “This is curiously short on Marvel news.” Well, there’s a reason for that. I’m saving that for a feature I’m going to write either next week or the following one. So, all my Marvel thoughts are being saved for that. Anyways, back to the column, as we’re looking at ten things I liked or didn’t like from the week of comics in another edition of Comics Disassembled.

1. Parker, In Full
Did you know that the entirety of Darwyn Cooke’s Parker graphic novels – including the two shorts, The Man with a Getaway Face and The Seventh, the latter of which I’m not sure if I’ve even read! – are being collected into a single volume called, and I quote, “Richard Stark’s Parker: The Complete Collection by Darwyn Cooke?” You did? Whatever, man. I miss things sometimes!
And that’s besides the point anyways!
The point is, I know now, and I must instruct you, a person who has not read these comics any fewer than five times, and you, a person who has never read them, and you also, person who has read them so many times you have them memorized, this is coming and you must buy them. I do not make the rules! I just inform you of them! Rules or not, the Parker books are unbelievable and should be read by all comic fans, but especially those who enjoy crime stories. It’s peak of his powers Darwyn Cooke retelling a quartet of iconic stories in a new medium to the very best of his prodigious abilities, and you know what that makes these? Some of the best comics ever! They’re incredible.
Anyways, I loved discovering this information this week so much that despite the fact that I later realized this was announced months ago, I am keeping it right here at the top spot. Parker! Darwyn Cooke! Complete collection! It arrives in October. Don’t make me tap the sign, because you know what it says already (It says, “Read the Parker books because they are amazing”).
2. Eisner Awards, Going Chalk
If there was one surprise to this year’s Eisner Awards winners, it was that there was no surprise. Normally I expect one winner to inspire an “Oh, really?!” face. Not this time. The only category with a winner that even came as a vague surprise to me was Best Publication for Teens (ages 13 to 17), as I expected Tillie Walden to win that for Clementine: Book One for “she’s Tillie Walden” reasons (which is a very compelling and understandable reason!). Instead, it went to Daniel Warren Johnson’s Do a Powerbomb!, an incredible comic that was my favorite from the category, but one I didn’t necessarily expect to win.
Besides that, though, it was all chalk. And for good reason: these were all deserved winners, with Kate Beaton, Team Nightwing, Team Human Target, Team The Night Eaters, and the squad behind the Parker: The Martini Edition pulling down multiples on the night. Specifically, it was DC Comics’ night, with that publisher taking home a whole mess of awards, including some of the biggest in Best Continuing Series (Nightwing), Best Single Issue (Batman: One Bad Day: The Riddler), and Best Limited Series (The Human Target). I can’t really dispute those wins! I guess what I’m saying is good job by the Eisner voters, and hey, shouts to PanelxPanel for bringing down that W for the Best Comics-Related Periodical/Journalism and my guy Eitan Manhoff and his shop Cape & Cowl Comics for locking down the award for best comic shop. Very well deserved!
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