The Pull: A Look at the Comics Dropping the Week of December 1st
I won’t be here to buy these comics as I’ll be flying to Seattle for Emerald City Comic Con, but hey, the comics must go on! Let’s look at the week of releases in the latest edition of The Pull.

Book of the Week: Dirtbag Rapture #3
Writer Christopher Sebela has a lot going on right now, all of which is good. But if comics existed within a colosseum like battle arena, with only one able to survive, Dirtbag Rapture would get my vote. This Oni series from Sebela, artist Kendall Goode, and colorist Gab Contreras is an absolute delight, with an exceptional lead in Kat, endlessly effective visuals, and a tremendous concept at its core. It’s an absolute blast of a comic, and in a week where I’m a bit wishy washy on the debuts, it easily earns the nod for my book of the week.
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