The Pull: A Look at the Comics Dropping the Week of February 10th
Blessed be, a light week after a deluge for the first month plus of the year. Let’s look at my buys, recommendations and curiosities from this week of comics in The Pull, with it all beginning with the ending of a recent fave.

Book of the Week: Scarenthood #4
I think Scarenthood has shown up as my book of the week for three of its four issues now, and it’s for good reason: this comic is excellent as well as superb counter-programming for basically everything else I read. It’s part spooky supernatural tale and part family drama and part “what if the Scooby Gang was filled with bored Irish parents?” That all adds up into something I really dig, an extremely charming but creepy story with a beginning, middle and end.
Nick Roche and Chris O’Halloran have done a hell of a thing throughout, and I’m excited to see where it ends. Given what we’ve seen so far, I have little doubt they won’t give us something great in the end. Lots to do, but I’m confident they’ll crush it.
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