The Pull: A Look at the Comics Dropping the Week of November 20th
It’s a heavy recommendation week here in The Pull, as there are a fair amount of buys but even more comics I’d advocate for even if I’m not buying them myself (because I already own them in another format, though!). But it all starts with my Book of the Week, which is celebrating a title that’s ten issues deep and still going strong.

Book of the Week: Crowded #10
This week’s list of releases lacks a headliner, and in lieu of a #1 issue or a comic filled with all kinds of line-defining, genre-busting elements, let’s highlight a great comic that has continued to be great well into its second arc. Chris Sebela, Ro Stein, Ted Brandt, Triona Farrell and Cardinal Rae have been doing a hell of a job with Crowded, and its second arc has managed to out fun its first, which is saying something because the first arc already outdistanced its concept and I didn’t even think that was possible (its whole crowd-funded assassinations idea was deliciously evil and frighteningly realistic). They keep finding new ways to elevate this story, and I’ve been endlessly impressed by how they’ve achieved it.
And now: the kissing! It’s no spoiler to say that fans of the book have been hotly anticipating a pairing between Vita and Charlie, but the team didn’t deliver that until #9, giving the series a tantric comic book feel. But the floodgates are open and complications will arise, most assuredly. Whatever happens, it will be fun, entertaining and dark even if the world is light, with exceptional art by Stein and Brandt. This is a very, very good comic, and it’s well worth a read.
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