Emerald City Comic Con 2022: What’s Your Go To Karaoke Song?

When the day at conventions end and creators are looking for something to do with pals in the industry they haven’t seen in a while, would you believe that one popular answer is karaoke? It’s a common tale, one in which writers, artists, and everyone else finds them in a room with their peers not drawing a crowd scene or wrapping a script, but belting out classic tracks like “Don’t Stop Believin'” and “Sweet Caroline.” While your mileage may vary on anthemic pop ballads from yesteryear, many enjoy a quality evening out with friends singing the night away. So, while at Emerald City Comic Con this year, I asked a group of creators for their go to track, the one they turn to when they want to bring down the house. The answers were spectacular, as expected.

Although only one creator actually sang. Come on, everyone!

That’s video three from the five questions videos from Emerald City Comic Con, so expect another one to arrive next week, with the next one digging back into the world of comics.

Before we go, shouts to friend of the site David Kelley and my wife Amber for spending the con with me at ECCC recording these videos (and others). It was a lot of work, but we made it happen.