Let’s Do This: It’s Time for February’s Mailbag Q&A!

After a month off and with everything being some level of insane right now, it felt like it was time for another of my patented Mailbag Q&As. Now, for newcomers to these parts — of which there are many, so hello! — these mailbags are where you, the subscribers to SKTCHD and patrons of Off Panel, can ask me any questions you may have for me to answer in a giant-sized column.

What kinds of questions can you ask? Well, the answer is, “Whatever kinds of questions you want.” But to give you an idea as to what’s typically asked here, the questions usually lean towards comics, the industry, and how I do what I do on SKTCHD and Off Panel. Those are absolutely options to ask about. Please do. I love talking about those subjects. But the questions can really relate to anything. Whether your question is about sports, movies, TV, music, food, or really whatever, I’m in for it. Real or hypothetical, over the top or simple, you send the question my way, I’ll answer it.

The only caveat is that if the subject is too sprawling for me to answer in a standard mailbag length, I may graduate it into a larger piece. I’ve done it before, and I’m sure I’ll do it again. Also, if I get too many questions, I may bump some to the following month, or skip it if it covers territory from previous editions. We’ll see, though. The ultimate point is to have fun, so let’s do that.

So, the only question that remains is, how do you participate? It’s easy. You can submit your question or questions via email at david@SKTCHD.com or commenting on this very post. Once you do that, I’ll add it to the mix before answering all the questions in a column later this month. I’m going to say the cutoff date is February 16th, so as long as you get your questions to me by then, I’ll get it in the mix. Let’s make it happen, folks!