The Pull: A Look at the Comics Dropping the Week of April 27th
It’s quite the week in comics, with a fierce battle for the top spot. Let’s look at that and more in The Pull, my look at the week’s buys, recommendations, and curiosities.

Book of the Week: Blood Stained Teeth #1
I’ve read this issue already and it totally rules, with a nice wrinkle to the concept of vampires, some fascinating twists in the story, and the absolutely elite artistic trio of Patric Reynolds, Heather Moore, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou leading the way. I know a lot of people are a bit over vampires, after some heavy pushes with that monster type in recent years. But this effort is a unique one, and one that offers both style and substance. As I noted before, this comic by Reynolds, Moore, Otsmane-Elhaou, and writer Christian Ward is greater than the sum of its parts, and its parts are pretty dang good. It’s a doozy.
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